Thursday, October 4, 2007

Needle Exchange Services

Free and confidential needle exchange facilities, associated harm reduction advice and STI testing is provided to injecting drug users.

Clients requesting sterile needles/syringes may do so on a drop-in basis during advertised opening hours.

Needle exchange opening hours:

Tuesday 5.00pm -7.00pm

Thursday 9.30am- 11.30am

at Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland, 34 Waterloo Place, Inverness IV1 1NB

For further information about these services please telephone 01463 711585

Fastest at Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland

Free and confidential testing service.

We test for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, Chlamydia. We offer vaccinations for hepatitis B.

The clinic is lead by a nurse who will be able to offer pre- and post-test counselling. Test results are usually available within 7 days.

The clinic is open every Tuesday evening from 5pm-7pm at Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland, 34 Waterloo Place, Inverness IV1 1NB.

Services are available on either a drop-in basis or by appointment. For more information Tel: 01463 711585.

Support for HIV+ people in the Highland area

Support for HIV+ people

in the Highland area

1 October 2007


I am the health promotion specialist at Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland and I am setting up a support network for HIV+ people in the Highland area.
We would like to provide you with support and activities that can contribute to your overall well-being. This letter is an invitation from us to you to let us know what you need.
Below you find a list of possible initiatives. Please print this letter, fill it in and send it back to us. Please tick the ones you are interested in. At the bottom we also left a space for you to write anything else you would like us to know.

Please print this form, fill it in and send it back addressed to Agnes Boes, Health Promotion Specialist, Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland, 34 Waterloo Place, Inverness IV1 1NB.

We look forward to hearing from you and to get to know you. The Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland together with medical services cannot only provide you with excellent medical care but also with support and services that make living with HIV a less isolated experience. Hopefully it can contribute to your overall well-being and happiness.

Best wishes,

Agnes Boes
Health Promotion Specialist - Highland

Needs Assessment Form

Possible services and activities

for HIV+ people in the Highland area

  • Your personal details
    (Your personal information will be stored securely and confidentially,
    and will not be released to any other organisation or individual
    without your written prior permission).

Name you wish us to use to contact you:
Address for mailing (if appropriate):
Your postcode (the first half is very useful for monitoring our outreach):




  • I prefer to be informed by

  1. Letter

  2. E-mail

  3. Telephone

  4. Mobile phone

  • Please go through the following list and tick what you may be interested in.
    At the bottom you can suggest things that are not mentioned in the list.

[ ] One-to-one support

  1. [ ] Over the phone

  2. [ ] By e-mail

  3. [ ] In person

[ ] HIV support group: a group where you can meet other people with HIV. It may be reassuring to talk to other people who are in a similar situation, or to meet people who have had HIV for several years and are living well.

[ ] Smoking cessation

[ ] Creativity group: a group where you can meet other people with HIV whilst doing something creative: drawing, painting, embroidering, working with digital photography,…whatever you feel like exploring.

[ ] Informative Talks on different subjects concerning HIV

[ ] Counselling: our counselling consists of weekly sessions for up to three months.

  • Your suggestions for other services and activities:

  • Please send the completed form to: Agnes Boes, Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland,
    34 Waterloo Place, Inverness IV1 1NB mobile: 07816 064 752
    Thank you so much for you collaboration